
The All-on-4® treatment concept was introduced over two decades ago. All-on-4® is a precise solution that provides patients on the day of surgery with a fixed (non-removable) full-arch acrylic temporary bridge.

The All-on-4® treatment improves, speech, sense of taste, aesthetics and self-esteem instantly compared to other traditional treatments.

With this, a patient with missing teeth or teeth that all need to be replaced can literally walk into our dental practice and leave with a full arch of temporary teeth the very same day!! After a couple months of healing, the temporary denture is replaced with a permanent acrylic-titanium or porcelain-zirconia dental implant bridge called a Malo bridge.

The implant bridge is permanently connected to the four dental implants. As the bridge is secured to the dental implants, there is no palate that cover the roof of your mouth as with a traditional denture. Your speech is unaffected and your sense of taste remains whilst providing you will have a comfortable, beautiful looking smile that will function like your own natural teeth. Likewise, on the lower jaw, a 12 unit implant bridge is permanently connected to the four dental implants.

As the bridge is secured directly to the dental implants, it will not come loose whilst eating, speaking, swallowing, or laughing, which often occurs when wearing lower traditional dentures. As a result, you will have stable, comfortable replacement teeth that will function like your natural teeth used to.

What are the benefits of the All-on-4 treatment concept?

The All-on-4® treatment provides permanent, full-arch dentures connected directly to four dental implants. The prosthesis is fixed, which means it will not come loose when you eat, speak, sneeze, cough, swallow, or laugh. This added security quickly boosts the patient’s self-esteem and confidence.

Full-Arch Restoration with Only 4 Dental Implants – All-on-4® implants consist of two straight implants in the front and two implants tilted up to 45o in the back. These two tilted implants have more contact with the jawbone, providing optimized support even when the bone may not be particularly strong. Tilting the implants also avoids vital anatomical structures and more evenly distributes the implants’ load for strength, which allows for a final prosthesis with up to 12 teeth. The all-on-4 system usually does not require any bone grafting and the healing period is significantly reduced when compared to the traditional method of extraction, implantation and prosthetics which can be as long as 1 year.

Immediate Function – Total treatment time is significantly reduced because a fixed (non-removable) acrylic temporary bridge is attached on the day of surgery for those who meet criteria. Otherwise, patients need to wear a temporary denture while the implants heal.

A Graftless Procedure – With All-on-4® treatment, there is no need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures.

Lower Costs – This all-inclusive procedure costs much less than traditional dental implants, making it accessible to more patients.

Is All-on-4 treatment right for you?

If you have suffered total tooth loss and you want a permanent solution, All-on-4® treatment could be the perfect choice for you. Aside from the aesthetic appeal of implant-retained dentures, many people enjoy a higher quality of life because of their ability to expand their diet and eat healthier foods again, like nuts and fruits.

The All-on-4® implant posts also preserve the surrounding teeth by stimulating the jawbone and prevent the “sunken” look commonly seen in elderly people.

If you are tired of your traditional dentures, All-on-4® implants provide a prosthesis that never slips or moves without needing to use special cleaners or adhesives.

Dr Allen Betsis has a vast experience and routine in carrying out All-on-4® treatments, and has been placing implants since 2018. He is complimented by our team of general dentists and nurses.

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Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday & Sunday – By appointment


0207 450 2920



07770 463413


158 – 160 Battersea Park Road
London, SW11 4ND